Friday, August 14, 2009

The History of Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky also known as the Chukchi dog

For more than 1000 years ago a tribe of people known as the Chukchi have inhabited the Arctic coastal region of northern Siberia.It's the land where the winter extremely cold,it makes life a daily challenge for surviving.And there,the Chukchi dog,which is now wellknown as Siberian Husky,was developed.

Over many generations of breeding,the chukchi developed the breed of dog most to suit their needs.As the chukchi worked along the coast hunting the seal as their main food resource,they needed large dogs usable of pulling great weight.At the same time,they needed a dog capable for the low temperatures surviving,pulling load quickly over long distances but expend less energy in process.The less energy the dog used,the more chance it had to survive in the wheather.

They had to be hard worker and had common sense to work in team,dedicated to keep from constantly tangling themselves in the lines of the sled.So,this is the idea of Siberian Husky as sled dog,came from.Siberian Huskies have been trained as Sled Dogs for so many years.

The chukchi used the dog not only as sled dog,but they took them home as guardian for their possesions,family and also as companions.That's what makes Siberian Husky is so gentle in personality.

The most important trait from this dog was the instinct and desire to run endlessly.It could run so far and fast but unfortunately,couldn't pull so much weight.Therefore,the teams up to 20dogs are needed to pull the hunter's loads.

The fate of chukchi dog and the birth of Siberian Husky breed are tied to several historical events,in Russia.In 18th century where the Russian cossacks began a march across Siberia to conquer new land and attain all of the resources.Most people living in this northern area were primitive tribe,who couldn't fight and couldn't compete the Russian Army weapon,Even they couldn't fight, they could run and their sled dogs always kept them ahead of Russian Military Forces and more advantage was,they could survive in the Siberian wheather but not the russian soldiers which finally they suffered great losses.

The chukchi people and their dogs existed peacebly in Siberia for many years after this conflict.Conflict wasn't end-in the early 19th century when the monarchy in Russia replaced by communist regime,which didnt alow the 'burgeois' and elite aspect of russian life exist.Chukchi dog as finest dog bred by the chukchi,was assumed as symbol of wealth and leadership position.And the chukchi,themself were either imprisoned or killed.This made the chukchi dog dissapeared from Siberia.

By the end of 19th century,the chukchi dog has been discovered by alaskan traders,which then imported to the northwest territory and renamed the Siberian Husky.This importation is a proof of how important to the survival of the breed.
(Resource from the book "Siberian Husky" by Kerry kern)

Thank you so much for the chukchi tribe and alaskan traders,without them,we wouldn't have our pretty Coop2.....knowing his ancient history has made me personally proud and glad of having him and relize how much he means to me(ooops i just kissed him,he's sitting pretty for me ;D)although he's in USA born Siberian Husky!


Yvonne said...

Coop..Coop...he..he..San, aku kok gemes banget sm si Cooper ya.

Susan said...

:D muaaacchhh....thanks aunty...Cooper loves aunty!